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De Martine Lusardy

Art brut

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“A book is a version of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it; or offer your own version in return.” –Salman Rushdie

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Art Brut: The Origins of Outsider Art: Lucienne Peiry ...
Art Brut: The Origins of Outsider Art [Lucienne Peiry] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In the early 20th-century, European avant-garde artists began to look beyond the accepted canons of Western art in a search for new sources of inspiration. Primitive art
Art brut – Art Term | Tate
Jean Dubuffet saw fine art as dominated by academic training, which he referred to as ‘art culturel’ or cultural art. For Dubuffet, art brut − which included graffiti, and the work of the insane, prisoners, children, and primitive artists was the raw expression of a vision or emotions, untramelled by convention.
Art brut — Wikipédia
— Jean Dubuffet, L’art brut préféré aux arts culturels, 1949 (Manifeste accompagnant la première exposition collective de l’Art brut à la Galerie Drouin, reproduit dans Prospectus et tous écrits suivants, Gallimard, 1967) Dans un deuxième temps, en 1963, Dubuffet élargit la définition de l'art brut:
Art Brut - Wikipedia
Il concetto di Art brut (in italiano, letteralmente, Arte grezza, ma tradotto anche come "arte spontanea") è stato inventato nel 1945 dal pittore francese Jean Dubuffet per indicare le produzioni artistiche realizzate da non professionisti o pensionanti dell'ospedale psichiatrico che operano al di fuori delle norme estetiche convenzionali (autodidatti, psicotici, prigionieri, persone ...
Art brut – Wikipedia
Die Art brut (franz. [Aussprache: aʁ bʁyt] für „rohe Kunst“) ist ein Sammelbegriff für autodidaktische Kunst von Laien, Kindern, Menschen mit einer psychischen Erkrankung oder einer geistigen Bezeichnung ging vom französischen Maler Jean Dubuffet aus, der sich eingehend mit einer naiven und antiakademischen Ästhetik beschäftigte.
Art Brut: Definition, History - Art Encyclopedia
Dubuffet's fascination with Insane Art, was based on its creative purity and on the inspiration it gave his own work. In short, he believed that only Art Brut was untarnished by contact with prevailing cultural values, and this spontaneous expressionism inspired his own original childlike drawings ...
Art brut - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El término Art Brut puede referirse a: . Art Brut o arte marginal , corriente pictórica.; Art Brut, grupo inglés de rock alternativo.
History of SELF-TAUGHT & OUTSIDER ART : The Anthony ...
As a characteristic feature of Art Brut, there is often a personal intentionality that distinguishes it from mainstream or commercial art, or pieces meant to appeal to an intended audience.
Accueil du site officiel de la Ville de Lausanne
est le portail officiel de l'administration communale de la Ville de Lausanne, capitale olympique.
Dubuffet Foundation, official website
official website of Jean Dubuffet foundation, villa falbala, closerie falbala, biography, bibliography, writings, exhibits, sculptures,

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